Our Ministry Team

Archbishop Kristina Rake

The Most Reverend Kristina Rake is the Archbishop of the Catholic Church in Exile. She will serve as our Eucharist presider and visiting priest until and beyond the deacons’ upcoming priestly ordination. She will also lead thought-provoking educational sessions and discussions at CCE-UC, supporting our learning and spiritual growth.

Bishop Rake holds a Master of Theological Studies from Andover Newton at Yale Divinity, plus an additional 18 graduate credits concentrated in Psychology and Theology.

Archbishop Rake is the author of hundreds of articles and standardized tests on topics as diverse as writing, literature, embryology, physics, IQ intake, American history, and more. She is also author of God and the Paranormal: Ghosts, Mediums, and the Afterlife in the Bible. She is an award-winning writer, an award-winning speaker and teacher, a member of Mensa, and a religious consultant for movie studios such as MGM and Spooked TV. She has appeared in several documentaries as herself and has cowritten entertainment projects which involved her areas of expertise of science, theology, demonology, and fringe sciences.

Bishop Rake has been married for 24 years to her best friend, Mark, and has two adult children attending college. She also lives with her 3 ferret children and an elderly pug.

Rev. Ms. Kelly Wurth

Rev. Ms. Kelly Wurth is an ordained Deacon in the Catholic Church in Exile.

“I’m happy to be pursuing my lifelong vocation to ministry in the Catholic priesthood. A resident of Urbana-Champaign, I will be the on-site minister for CCE-UC.

“I have graduate degrees and advanced studies in literature, medicine, psychology, and theology. I’m also an undergraduate instructor for St. Hildegard’s Theological School, the CCE’s seminary, which is a great way to enhance my own learning.

“I’m a mother, grandmother, and former foster mom to a total of six fascinating humans. I’ve been married for 19 years to my true love…the man who sees me, gets me, and loves me as if I’m perfect, which I’m so not. But don’t tell him!

“I’ve also worked as a college instructor, an emergency medical technician, a physician assistant, a graphic designer, a writer for nonprofits, a podcaster, a police training role-player, and a freelance fiction writer.

“It’s all led up to this, my lifelong dream of ordained pastoral ministry that was denied to me because I’m a woman.

“I finally figured it out…you can’t deny your call. You have to stand up and be who God made you to be.”

Reach Deacon Kelly at 720-805-4010 or revkelly.cce@mail.com.

Rev. Mr. Johannes Strobel

Johannes is an ordained deacon of the Catholic Church in Exile. He has been a college administrator and faculty member for over 20 years (not at UIUC :-)).

“My spiritual journey started as a novice of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) many years ago. I left the novitiate as I felt too young to make this a permanent life and because of my desire for a family.

“I have degrees in philosophy, catholic theology, information science and learning technologies and several certificates in higher education management.

“I am married to my wonderful wife who helps me stay grounded. My biggest teachers are my two young sons who keep me on my toes, awakened the gift of being a father, and teach me what love and patience is. 😊

“Through different enriching experiences within the body-positive movement and eastern spirituality, I found my spiritual home in the “Catholic Church in Exile”. It allows me to live my vocation – which never stopped knocking on my door btw – and serve in a community which is radically inclusive AND Catholic.

“I am open for conversations and accompanying you on your journey – wherever you start and wherever you go.”

Reach Deacon Johannes at johannes.ccie@gmail.com.

Fr. Caleb Oeming

Fr Caleb is a life-professed friar with the Franciscans of Christ in the Tomb and a priest with the Catholic Church in Exile. He comes wearing many hats like the rest of us. His ministry has taken him to Illinois to serve as the Archbishop's assistant and to bring the joy of Christ to LGBTQ+ individuals when the moments present themselves.

He is a member of the queer community, being a transgender gay man, whose dedication to radical inclusion as the jurisdiction's social justice coordinator goes beyond tribal boundaries of "communities" and seeks to find how we are all more alike than different, reconciling us to one another and to God through reliance on the Holy Spirit and nourished by the Eucharist.

Fr. Caleb will be a visiting priest, overall inspiration, and pinch-hitter for Archbishop Rake, and we hope to see a lot of him at CCE-UC.

For spiritual support or vocational information, contact Fr. Caleb at Franciscanoct@gmail.com, or 210-627-8520 (texts only, please).

Franciscans of Christ in the Tomb

Why are we called "Christ in the Tomb"? To set any questions to rest, yes, we are Old Catholic (non-Roman) and yes, we believe in the resurrection. We do not believe Christ stayed in the tomb.

However, we do profess a belief that while Christ was in the tomb for three days, He spiritually went down to hell and set the captives free. We feel we are called to follow in that action, to go into the little "hells" on Earth and set captives free through the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Where are the little hells? Wherever sorrow and suffering take the place of God's hope and grace, that is where hell can be found. Sometimes, it is from the actions of others that steal peace of mind; sometimes it is injustice that robs us of safety and security; sometimes it is addictions and sometimes it is life happening on life's terms through grief.

Wherever there is hopelessness, we are called to be the light of Christ in that small space as we all walk together on this pilgrimage home.